Love cats? Check out this adorable Japanese cat, Maru, who has a love of boxes and a YouTube following to match!

Maru the Cat

Images from Maru's Calendar


Maru, the Scottish Fold cat from Japan, is a beloved YouTube star who has warmed the hearts of viewers around the world with his love of boxes and kawaii personality. With almost 900,000 subscribers and over 550 million views, Maru’s channel started to gain traction in 2008, when his owner uploaded a video of him jumping into a box. The channel now features videos of Maru playing with various boxes, exploring the outdoors and sleeping in some unlikely places.

Maru's Family

Maru lives in a squeaky-clean house in Japan with his hooman, Mugumogu, and his sisters, Hana and Miri. In 2016, Maru was named by Guinness World Records as the Most Viewed Animal on YouTube.

Maru's adorable purrsonality

With his adorable face and placid personality, it’s no wonder that Maru quickly became an internet icon, earning him nicknames such as “Zen Master.”  To add to his cuteness factor, many people think that he has a “kawaii” personality (a term meaning “cute” or “lovable” in Japanese).

Maru's Antics

This kawaii persona extends beyond his playful antics; it also includes his loving nature toward his hooman and sisters.

In addition to his sweet PURRsonality, Maru also loves to explore new things and find interesting ways to interact with objects such as boxes and bowls. One of the most popular aspects of Maru’s channel is watching him jump into different-sized boxes or climb on top of them while balancing precariously on their edges. It’s not uncommon for him to find unique ways to fit himself into tight spaces either; oftentimes, viewers will even watch as he squeezes himself into seemingly impossible shapes!

Maru's Celebrity Status

But perhaps one of the cutest things about this YouTube star is his sheer enthusiasm for life! Whether it be playing with a toy fish or chasing after a feather attached to a string, Maru never fails to have a good time doing whatever activity presents itself before him. This joyful disposition, coupled with his eagerness for adventure, has made him a favorite among fans who love watching him explore new places and experience new things each day!

Overall, it’s easy to see why so many people love watching videos featuring Maru the catbetween his kawaii personality and curiosity-filled adventures, there’s something endearing about this little furball that makes us all smile! From exploring boxes to cuddling up with Hana or chasing his other sister, Miri, no matter what Maru does, it always seems to bring joy into our lives—and warm our hearts.